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On-demand Webinar: Pay Transparency: A Key to your Total Rewards Strategy with John Radford

December 3, 2023Webinar
A graphic with text and a photo of John Radford.

Complete the form at right to watch the recording of this exclusive beqommunity interview!

Your Company’s Total Rewards Strategy is more complicated than ever before. How can you strike that balance of pay transparency if your job architecture isn’t clearly defined? Are skills a necessary means of defining equity and getting us to transparency?  

If you’ve been wondering how to make pay transparency a reality for your organization, watch this informative interview with John Radford. John was the founder and a driving force behind the Radford Global Compensation database over the past 47 years, influencing the world of compensation on a global scale.

We spent a fascinating hour exploring John’s philosophies on compensation, everything from driving pay transparency to influencing performance management strategies.