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We are on a mission to bring fair and equitable pay practices to the world of work. And we believe in the power of community to get there.

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Webinar Bridging the Gap: Achieving Pay Equity and Transparency Globally

As Pay Transparency laws are being implemented globally, employers also need to ensure that their pay is fair and equitable. In this webinar, we talk to pay equity experts who have worked alongside global organizations to achieve fair pay. They share key insights, real-world examples, and expert advice on how global organizations are navigating the path to Pay Equity in today's changing legislative landscape.
Watch the on-demand webinar
A photo of Vidir and Gudrun, the webinar hosts.

See our most recent events

We are dedicated to changing the conversation because pay is more than just a number, it’s the source of people’s livelihoods, of company success, of social change. We seek out great minds and great ideas for events that support and inspire the beqommunity.

Closing the Gap: The Roadblocks to Women’s Leadership and Pay Equity

In this webinar, we will speak to experts, Marie and Clair on the key factors which women face in leadership roles and how to overcome these to achieve equality in leadership and pay equity across Organisation.

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A Data-Driven Approach to Conquer Pay Equity and Pay Transparency

Discover a unique data-driven approach to measuring the adjusted pay gap, essential for understanding compensation disparities—beyond merely closing the pay gap, we'll delve into strategies for sustaining fairness over time.

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A Data driven Approach to Pay Equity with Dr.Margrét Bjarnadóttir

This webinar focuses on the pay equity basics: how to run a structured pay equity analysis, how to understand the results, and how to close pay gaps in an informed, sustainable way. Great food for thought!

Watch now

Take a stand in shaping the future.

Assess Your Compensation Maturity

beqommunity members are eligible for a free Compensation Maturity Curve Diagnostic. In a world seeking transparency and fairness, we are changing the conversation on pay and performance.


Our maturity curves assess your compensation strategy to determine where you are today and where you aspire to be and provide a guided path to accelerate your transformation.

Diagnostic Report

Your Maturity Curve Diagnostic report will give you a practical roadmap with peer benchmarks and actionable steps to take your compensation practices to the next level. And, you’ll have a tool to help you communicate and gain buy-in with your C Suite stakeholders.


Use your Maturity Curve Diagnostic report as the ultimate guide to transforming your pay and performance practices.

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We are a community of industry practitioners, experts, thought leaders, and customers, who come together to learn and share best practices, lessons learned, coming trends, and insights. Boost your knowledge and your career.

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