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Sales Management Association Report: Shifting Trends in Sales Compensation

January 2, 2020eGuide

Get the Latest on Sales Organizations’ Total Compensation Practices

In conjunction with the Sales Management Association, we surveyed sales execs and found that companies are trending towards a total rewards approach to sales compensation, yet are not effective at communicating the value of the total compensation package to sales teams.

According to the research, sales managers have been increasing the emphasis on total rewards vs. short term incentives, yet most sales reps are still focused mainly on short term rewards like commissions, and therefore not appreciating the value of their total package. Thus the company's significant investment is losing some of its potential for retention and motivation.

In this free 14-page report, you'll learn:

  • The latest industry trends in sales compensation as reported by your peers
  • What is causing gaps in communication around sales rewards
  • How to ensure you are getting the desired impact from your sales compensation packages
Complete the form on this page to receive your free sales compensation survey report instantly.