The Pay Equity Playbook: A Strategic Approach to HR

The Pay Equity Playbook: A Strategic Approach to HR
With increasing media attention and global regulations around the gender pay gap, it’s no surprise that employees know and care—a lot—about pay equity.
In this guide, we look at:
- What your employees think about efforts to improve the gender pay gap
- How much pay gap transparency and equality efforts really affect employee loyalty and retention
- Where employees think the burden to close the gender pay gap lies, and
- Which employer actions are valued most by workers.
In this eGuide, The Pay Equity Playbook: A Strategic Approach to HR, we review background research on changing employee expectations about pay equity, and outline a high level strategy for approaching pay equity and transparency in your organization.
Be a leader in addressing the gender pay gap and building diversity in your workforce. Download the free eguide to learn how to make your company more competitive in the war for talent.