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The Pay Equity Actions That Matter Most to Your Workforce

March 22, 2020eGuide

What Your Employees Are Saying About Pay Equity

While nearly all large organizations now say they are working to close the gender pay gap and increase diversity in their workforces, these steps are not seen as effective by their employees and, in many cases, are not seen at all. But there may be one action that’s even more important to your employees than success in closing pay gaps: transparency (even when the news isn’t altogether positive).

In this 10-page guide, we’ll outline:

  • What your employees think about efforts to improve the gender pay gap
  • How much pay gap transparency and equality efforts really affect employee loyalty and retention
  • Where employees think the burden to close the gender pay gap lies
  • Which employer actions are valued most by workers
Complete the form on this page to download the guide instantly.