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Paving the Way to Equal Pay with Job Classification

January 28, 2024

Mastering job classification for fair compensation structures

Job classification is a key component of and precursor to equal pay analysis, which is a major early step in the pay equity journey. Getting job classification right is crucial since it will affect all future pay decisions. In some countries or localities, using a specific type of job classification or submitting related documentation may actually be required by law.

In this e-book, we present the three job classification approaches we’ve seen time and again, as well as their upsides, downsides, and nuances.

Read this free guide to:

  • Learn the three most common approaches to job classification
  • Determine which approach is right for your company
  • Lay the groundwork for ensuring equal pay for equal work

Whether you are doing it to enable data-driven pay decisions, to support fair and transparent pay, to align with compliance requirements, or just to provide a rational pay structure, job classification provides a critical foundation.

Download the full guide today!