Agile HR How to Adapt Strategy, Motivate Performance, and Optimize Comp Spend through Periods of Change

Seven Compensation & Performance Strategy Must-Haves to Successfully Manage Change
In today's volatile and uncertain environment, companies can suddenly find themselves in uncharted territory and are called to respond and adapt, to meet the changing needs of customers and employees, and to manage impacts on the business. And whenever there is business disruption, HR departments are at the epicenter of managing the company's response. Compensation and Performance are core HR functions that play a crucial role in adapting to change.
An agile and efficient compensation management strategy, combined with agile goal setting, are key in helping the company to plan and respond to the situation and to align resources to execute that strategy. To adapt when change occurs, HR teams must include top- and bottom-line concerns, employee morale and retention, and even operational continuity in cases where business activity might be disrupted.
In this eGuide, we outline seven “must-haves” that will assess the ability of your compensation & performance systems to help your company manage change.