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Webinar Balancing Act: Navigating Global and Local Approaches to Pay Transparency

Date of event: Thursday, October 17, 2024Online

Join us on 17th October 4pm CET / 10am EST

As the EU Pay Transparency Directive comes into effect, global organizations face the challenge of implementing a cohesive Pay Transparency framework that respects local nuances while adhering to global standards. This directive has sparked extensive debate on whether a global approach or a localized strategy should prevail, and how these should be managed - whether centrally or at the local level.

In this webinar, we will cover:

  • Market research on emerging industry standards, practises and trends for Pay Transparency
  • Implementing a global framework for Pay Transparency with local nuances
  • The global impact of the EU Pay Transparency directive as a universal standard
  • Practical insights on communication, employee engagement and recruitment
  • The role of analytics to drive your Pay Transparency