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On-demand Webinar: Closing the Gap: The Roadblocks to Women’s Leadership and Pay Equity with M.Fitzgibbon and C.Daly.

July 25, 2024Video
A graphic showing Marie and Clair.

Closing the Gap: The Roadblocks to Women’s Leadership and Pay Equity

The road to achieving pay equity is multifaceted with a lot of underlying factors at play. In this webinar, we will speak to experts, Marie and Clair on the key factors which women face in leadership roles and how to overcome these to achieve equality in leadership and pay equity across Organisation. The research uncovers leading factors including unconscious bias, systemic practises and qualitative traits, that can influence an imbalance of equity in your Organisation. Importantly, practical tips and steps will be recommended to mitigate against these factors to enable a more equitable and fair workplace.